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Eternal Races
Eternal Empire Races

The Bovinites
The Bovinites are a magically adept race that adheres to a strict Darwinian meritocracy. In their society, only those who ascend the ladder of chaos are honored with the titles "son" or "daughter," proudly displayed as accolades of achievement. Many Bovinites strive for this coveted title, but the journey to earning it is arduous and fraught with trials. Through wars, conquest, and rigorous ordeals, they believe weakness can be purged, allowing the strong to emerge and reign over their lesser brethren.
Social Structure and Marriage
Dominance is the cornerstone of Bovinite society, influencing every aspect of their lives, including marriage. The most powerful mate demands submission from any lover, and this dynamic ensures that only the strongest genes are passed on to the next generation. Once offspring are conceived, parents pledge a solemn vow to their progeny. Upon death, their remains are resurrected to continue serving the family, emphasizing their commitment to the collective's strength.
Cheating, lying, and stealing are seen as acceptable when used to advance one's station. The replacement of a master by their apprentice is one of the highest honors within Bovinite society. Despite their seemingly selfish pursuits, their intellectual and esoteric endeavors are all focused on strengthening their family. They believe that alone, they are nothing, but together, they can reign for eternity.
Religion and Worship
The Bovinites worship the Sharmoot, whom they revere as a great sultan transcending the limitations of the temporal plane. This great jinn guided them through tumultuous times with her wisdom and is considered the great dreamer, ruling the material domain. Their culture is fervently zealous, incorporating her homilies into their daily lives. To speak ill of the Sharmoot is to risk ostracization or death. While their capital is substantial, the Bovinites are cautious with charity, believing that an open hand can cause more harm than a balled fist, especially towards those outside their alliance.
Culture and Aesthetics
Bovinite cities and garbs are unparalleled in beauty, with the people parading their worldly attainments and love for arts and crafts. They wear flamboyantly colored dresses and douse themselves in gentle perfumes. Bovinite women are renowned for their beauty, using it to infiltrate other cultures and positions of influence, subtly bending them to their will.
They have established several assassin guilds, known collectively as the Eternal House, to eliminate any challenges to their way of life. In combat, Bovinites move with a dancer's grace, casting vibrant spells and viewing war and turmoil as art forms in themselves.

The Leonada
The Leonada, a race of lion-like people, are a distinguished society known for their expertise in commerce, thievery, spice making, and the creation of potent narcotics. Renowned for their cunning and acumen, the Leonada have carved a niche for themselves as astute traders and craftsmen, weaving a rich tapestry of culture and tradition centered around wealth and enterprise.
Commerce and Thievery
The Leonada excel in commerce, their mercantile prowess unmatched. They navigate the complexities of trade with feline grace, bartering and negotiating with a shrewdness that leaves many in awe. Their markets are a kaleidoscope of exotic goods and spices, drawing traders from far and wide. However, their talents are not confined to legitimate pursuits; the Leonada are also notorious for their skill in thievery, their nimble fingers and quick wits making them formidable thieves. This dual expertise in trade and theft has earned them a reputation as both respected merchants and feared rogues.
Spice Making
Spice making is a revered art among the Leonada. Their spices are famed for their potent flavors and medicinal properties, crafted with secret recipes passed down through generations. These spices are not only a cornerstone of their cuisine but also a significant trade commodity, contributing to their wealth and influence.
Narcotics Production
The Leonada are renowned for their ability to create and peddle addictive narcotics. These potent substances are crafted with the same meticulous care as their spices, using a combination of rare herbs and alchemical techniques. The narcotics produced by the Leonada are highly sought after by other races, both for their euphoric effects and their addictive properties. This trade in narcotics has added a layer of complexity to the Leonada's reputation, making them both revered and reviled across Enchantress's way
Gender Roles and Social Structure
In Leonada society, gender roles are distinctly defined. The men, known for their notorious laziness, only exert themselves physically when absolutely necessary. They prefer to delegate tasks and conserve their energy for moments of critical importance. Conversely, the women handle the political machinations and the intricacies of governance. They are the architects of their society's structure, ensuring the smooth operation of trade and diplomatic relations. Their astuteness in political affairs is matched by their prowess in managing the familial and communal aspects of life. They are good friend and allies with the Varenkun people.
Beliefs and Religion
The Leonada hold a profound belief in the Sharmot and Logos, two deities who symbolize the duality of existence and the balance of power and wisdom. The Sharmot represents the primal, untamed force of nature, while Logos embodies reason and structured knowledge. This belief system underpins their approach to life, guiding their actions and shaping their worldview. Additionally, they have a strong affinity for the moon and sun, which are prevalent symbols throughout their society, representing balance and the cyclical nature of existence.
Marriage and Prides
Marriage in Leonada culture is an institution designed to form a pride, a familial unit that works together to advance the breadwinner's field of endeavor. These prides are tightly-knit communities where each member plays a crucial role in supporting the collective pursuit of wealth and status. The pride operates as a single entity, pooling resources and efforts to achieve their goals.
Funerary Practices
Upon death, a Leonada's remains are scattered in a communal box, a sacred repository where the ashes of the deceased are intermingled. This communal resting place is a focal point of veneration, where the living visit to pray and light incense, seeking guidance and paying homage to their ancestors. The act of scattering the ashes symbolizes the unity and continuity of the pride, reinforcing the connection between the past, present, and future generations.
Wealth and Worth
In Leonada society, wealth is seen as the ultimate pursuit. A person's worth is measured by the capital they amass for their pride. The accumulation of riches is not merely a means to an end but a testament to one's skill, intelligence, and effort. This pursuit of wealth drives the Leonada to excel in their respective fields, constantly seeking opportunities to increase their fortune and, by extension, their standing within the community.

The Nokhoi
The Nokhoi are a fox-like society characterized by an honor-based culture where mastery of one's craft is revered above all else. From a young age, every member of Nokhoi society undergoes rigorous combat training, starting as early as 5 years old, alongside instruction in alchemy, magic, and the history of their professions. This comprehensive education instills a deep respect for their ancestral traditions and a commitment to excellence in all endeavors.
Honor and Career Mastery
In Nokhoi society, individuals are expected to master their chosen profession before venturing into new fields. Whether one is a stablehand, alchemist, or mage, the goal is to become the best in the realm, paying homage to their ancestors through exemplary dedication and skill. This commitment to mastery extends to monster hunting—an esteemed profession within Nokhoi society that requires unwavering bravery and expertise.
Unique Marriage Customs
Marriage among the Nokhoi is marked by simplicity and symbolism. Instead of elaborate ceremonies, mates return to their tent to dwell together, symbolizing the merging of two houses into one through the act of fornication. This intimate union signifies a deep bond and mutual respect between partners.
Funeral Rites and Ancestral Veneration
The Nokhoi practice endocannibalism as part of their funeral rites, believing that ingesting the cremated remains of the deceased grants them the fallen one's powers. This ritual is performed by grinding cremated ashes into a fine powder and incorporating it into tea or stews, allowing the essence of the departed to be shared among the community. When a revered hero passes away, the entire society gathers to honor their achievements by collectively consuming tea infused with the fallen one's essence—a solemn act of veneration and remembrance.
Monster-Slaying and the Grand Codex of Beasts
The Nokhoi are renowned for their prowess as monster hunters, valiantly facing supernatural threats to protect their communities. They keep detailed records of animal and plant life in the Grand Codex of Beasts—a comprehensive tome documenting the creatures of their world. This codex serves as a valuable resource for aspiring monster hunters, containing vital information on tactics, weaknesses, and magical properties of various creatures.

The Oni
The Oni are an academic species driven by a relentless pursuit of unraveling the mysteries of the world. To them, nature is a vast puzzle waiting to be deciphered, and they believe there is no problem that cannot be solved with sufficient intellectual effort. As a collective, they place great importance on the mind's ability to surpass physical limitations and view artistic expression as the pinnacle of sapience.
Physical Diversity and Inspirations
Physically, the Oni encompass two main classifications: cephalopodic humanoids and crustaceans/sea slugs. Among them are cuttlefish, octopuses, squids, crabs, prawns, lobsters, and sea slugs, each embodying unique traits and characteristics that contribute to their species' diversity. Their garb often reflects their oceanic origins, drawing inspiration from coral, sea colors, and textures that symbolize the ebb and flow of the tide—a metaphor for the passage of time.
Life Philosophy and Rituals
Oni partners proclaim their commitment through a life pact, symbolized by a ceremony along the coastline where they disseminate their cremated remains into the sea. This ritual reflects the Oni's belief in life's turbulence and the transient nature of existence, emphasizing the importance of rationalizing chaos and finding value amidst uncertainty.
Pursuits and Analytical Lens
The Oni's deep fascination with the natural world has led them to favor technological, alchemical, and scientific pursuits. They view the world through an analytical lens, seeking to uncover hidden truths and unlock the secrets of existence. Their society places great emphasis on education and intellectual growth, encouraging the pursuit of knowledge as a means of understanding and shaping their world.

The Shaitan
The Shaitan people, once steeped in racial supremacy and pride, have undergone a profound transformation spurred by their ancestors' downfall and subsequent cultural shocks. Previously rulers of the White Sands to the far south, their hubris led to the region's devastation and their own ruination at the hands of the defiled. It was a Jinn, once vilified in their myths, who saved the survivors and reshaped their collective consciousness.
Cultural Transformation
In the wake of their near-extinction, the Shaitan people have embraced penitence for their past transgressions. They now serve as the intellectuals and academics of the Eternal House, channeling their energies into scientific and magical advancements in pursuit of redemption. Zealous in their pursuits, the Shaitan are known for their quest for perfectionism, where even the slightest imperfection in art or craftsmanship is deemed a mark of tarnish.
Worship of the Sharmoot
Central to the Shaitan's quest for redemption is their fervent worship of the Sharmoot, whose sermons and literature serve as a guiding light towards salvation. The Sharmoot's teachings resonate deeply with the Shaitan, offering them a path towards spiritual renewal and cultural revitalization.
Pursuit of Knowledge and Innovation
Driven by a sense of purpose and repentance, the Shaitan people dedicate themselves to the pursuit of knowledge and innovation. Their scientific and magical advancements are not merely endeavors of progress but acts of contrition, seeking to atone for the sins of their ancestors and restore their relevance on the national stage.

The Varenkun
The Varenkun people cultivate their homes from spores, infusing them with mana to create elaborate spiraling towers linked by bridges of moss and vines—a fusion of civilization's order with the wild aspects of nature. Revering scholarly, archeological, magical, alchemical, enchanting, and artistic pursuits, they adorn themselves in flamboyant, colorful garb, accompanied by gentle perfumes, and orchestrate melodious harp performances that echo through their toadstool cities in the fathomless expanse.
Cultural Traits and Traditions
Known for their beauty, particularly among women, the Varenkun employ this allure to infiltrate other cultures and wield political influence, securing converts to their ideologies. Beyond their pursuit of magic and knowledge, they have established secretive assassin guilds to thwart challenges to their people and forest, ensuring swift action against potential threats. They're licensed killers sanctioned by governments to eliminate dissenters before they incite chaos, domestically and abroad via the use of writs, wielding casterguns—magical firearms—as a testament to their fine craftsmanship and magical prowess.
Artistic Warfare and Marriage Contracts
In combat, the Varenkun dancers weave spells amidst vibrant displays, considering war and turmoil as art forms. Marriage is viewed as a contractual arrangement devoid of love, emphasizing alliances and strategic partnerships over emotional connections. They regard their vivid attire, wondrous structures, and whimsical arts as epitomes of beauty, reflecting their colorful and extravagant lifestyle.
Renowned Artisans and Craftsmanship
The Varenkun excel as actors, artists, and musicians, renowned for their colorful attire and theatrical performances. They embody a civilization deeply rooted in magical pursuits, artistry, and political intrigue. Their vibrant culture, flamboyant attire, and mastery of arcane arts make them formidable artisans, musicians, and assassins, wielding magic and creative expression to shape their society and safeguard the provinces.Â