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Vedant Dynasty
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Literate RP
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Basic Info
OC Is drawn and owned by spooderqueen (Discord.), @verdantdynasty (Twitter.)
Full Name: Tahira Quil'Kovesh.
Nicknames: Tay-tay
Titles: The Wolf of the Roses, The Ashen Hound, Head Inquisitor of the house, Survivor of the defiled.
Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Day of Birth: Unknown
Age: 36
​Hair: White
Skin: Alabaster
​Eyes: Magically imbued Teal and Emerald eyes, with cat pupils
​Height: 7'
​Weight: 245Lbs
​Place of Residence: Skeletal Highway
​Place of Birth: Installation 6
Vocation: Monster Slayer/Investigator.
Economic /social status: Upper class/Nobility.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
​Relationship: Widowed
​​Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
​Personality: Tahira strives to apprehend the world via the utilization of her analytical mind. She employs a scientific lens in most fields, resulting in her being somewhat socially stunted in many theatres, including amorous pursuits. Couple this with her dry sense of humor and stoic deportment, and she can find it strenuous to formulate lasting bonds. She is a woman of few choice words. Justifiably skeptical of outsiders and holds intense prejudices toward humans, alchemists, and those suspicious of jinns. This disdain is garnered through maltreatment and the continuous negativity bred whenever she interacted with them.
Tahira is a professional, striving for perfection and completion of her contracts. She isn't against the use of morally questionable means as long as the perceived net gain outweighs the cost. However, as a dog of the state, she endeavors to limit butchery regarding sentient life. She will also forgo killing a monster/animal if her investigation shows the creature is safeguarding its young or if the contractee was responsible for needlessly goading the beast.
​Distinctive Marks: Ears, Birthmark on the upper and lower cheek, and her signature eyes.
​Traits: Brave, Intelligent, Well-spoken, calculative, imposing.
​Faults: Due to her history and unnatural birthing, she questions if she has a soul or if rights apply to her. Additionally, this has led to her observing the interactions of others, studying them as if trying to learn how to emulate them. In short, she is socially standoffish and has issues forming bonds, given that her experiences have painted them as ephemeral.
Weakness: Her physiology is human; in summary, she will die to anything that will kill a human.
Special Weaknesses: Vampirism, Unlike most Vampires in fiction, her's is a disease, not some supernatural buff. This affliction results in her body's inability to produce Iron. In summary, she must drink blood or eat liver (Any source) to prevent a system-wide organ failure. In the initial stages, she will gain dark rings under her eyes and veins, mild sensitivity to light, and feel exhaustion. Stage two builds up to a headache and nausea, followed by blue-tinted lips.
Stage three is debilitating weakness and a lack of stamina. Stage four is convulsions and unconsciousness, followed by death. The mark on her face is a form of Vitiligo brought on by vampirism attacking the body's ability to produce pigmentation (Both hair and skin). Over time, it has expanded, leaving only a few spots of her birth color. A fact she is very subconscious about and something she mentally struggles with daily.
​​Senses: See Passives
​Racial Abilities: See Passives
At the core of every soul is a fundamental question. Science and alchemy strive to present answers through repeatable solutions, but those things that fall outside its faculty to intellectualize are known as philosophy. There is no established formula to effectively gauge morality, no sequence of steps to quantify one's sadness or happiness. The material world provides no solutions to these quandaries. Therefore, philosophy becomes intrinsic, while a fallible instrument, it is still our best endeavor to incorporate things that science can't explain. When one marries science and its demands for hard answers with philosophies aim to create hypothetical explanations, you manufacture an outcome that might astound most people, religion.
No one person might be able to express why killing is immoral. However, a higher power can. Why grapple over one's moral compass when they can present an ethos derived from a superior being? This intersection, a venture to procure solid answers to elusive questions, such as, what is our purpose? Who created us? What is a life? These subjects are what fuel Tahira, albeit she contests the above assumptions. In her mind, what appears random or muddied is a consequence of our inadequate tools and understanding, that everything, no matter how obscure, can be defined.
The scientific method assisted her with bending the forces of this world to accommodate her life. The classification and studying of her prey yielded far more bountiful results and provided much-needed security. The acceptance of the natural world, while a questionable approach, had delivered succor to an otherwise lost and weary heart. The elf inadvertently faced the "metaphysical" world around her. Rather than distrust her views or find failure in this epiphany, this newfangled development spurred her onward, no matter the discovery, a true scientist is titillated by the prospect of a new challenge and data, not defeated.
In her astigmatic eyes, Tahira views no worth in applying philosophy and religion. She considers such a lens as a lackadaisical approach to push off the burden that is progress. That old as time dilemma referred to as the mind-body split could be whisked away if only she strove to understand this world in its totality. This unwillingness to adhere to such concepts-admittedly stems from her perceived traumatic upbringing. What is a life? While she might not know, Tahira believes in due time- she will be able to measure and provide a satisfactory enough resolution.
Speed ( Quick Thinking / Dexterity )
Due to her elven ancestry, she can draw on her innate magical energy to magnify the speed at which her hands can react, which transcends that of any mere mortal by two-fold. She uses this frequently to draw out her blade with uncanny, fluid movements to ward off attackers. Meanwhile, her max movement speed is 25 mph. This has been honed due to her love for cardiovascular activities, such as sprinting and hiking across the arid badlands.
Her genetics, coupled with strenuous training, has amplified her strength to 2x stronger than her human equivalents. The increase in muscle density to make this possible, also, in turn, makes her muscular system more durable than your average mortals. Though this structural boost is unable to thwart a Warhammer, explosive force and her organs make her just as susceptible as her human counterparts from an endurance standpoint. Tahira, can hoist 500lbs and still navigate her environment with a mild restriction to her speed.
Her body can bend, twist, and morph in ways that only the most skilled contortionist or gymnast could ever achieve while in a natural state. This elven trait permits her spine to bend 10 degrees further, and her limbs are double-jointed, allowing for further manipulation if the need arises. The elf can also maintain her balance across tight ropes. These skills were honed through arduous sessions with her Mother, Faaria, who was a skilled acrobatic during her extended time as a wandering carney.
Her hearing is three times greater than that of your typical human, permitting her to get the general location of her foe even when her vision and other senses are robbed. Ears are 3x resilient to sound as well to prevent the eardrum from being blown out. This sense can be foiled due to noise pollution and by extension, natural acoustics such as the reverberating effect of a cave.
​The Devante art is passed down from generation to generation of the line. A potent ability that grants the user the ability to sense magical properties with semi-clarity. This means that while she can sense something is coming, the exact nature, velocity, angle, mass, or intent of the attack remains obscured. Imagine it like that of the hairs of a fly, while it informs the host of a coming attack or intruder, it doesn't provide a perfectly clear vision of the source. (A fireball and an illusion butterfly are indistinguishable without additional investigation.)
The second effect is the ability to suppress one's own Chi to a near 0, coming off as unimpressive. The mask fades whenever an attack is ready to be made. Making it so the target has a far limited time to react when contrasted to most users of the arcane/spiritual arts. When achieving this state of mind, the body emits a soft white outline increasing its visibility within the battlefield.
Combat Preamble
Tahira primarily utilizes the element of plasma and binding (Summoning) as a secondary school, which she melds with her ensorcelled blade to formulate a unique fighting style. The weapon itself, due to witcheries, is capable of either shrinking down to 5ft or elongating to a max of 15ft. All of her abilities dimensions are added on top of her reach. This elf, being a mix between a martial combatant and sorceress, takes advantage of the arcane with the aim of bolstering her already efficient fighting technique.
Notwithstanding what you've been taught, there are more than three states of matter, plasma being the fourth. This substance severely blisters and will dissolve its way deeply into the flesh if left untreated. Any armor will provide zero protection unless unconducive. These attacks will consume wooden structures/barricades. Bone/stone, however, has a high tolerance to heat and will prevail unaffected.
Any residue material left behind will linger for two turns before cooling unless on the skin. Tahira can touch the plasmatic leftovers with her hands or blade, and shift them into a gas; however, this doesn't work in reverse. The byproduct allows her to appropriate them as environmental hazards. When it comes to her well-being, the inquisitor isn't affected by the plasma. To understand why, if mages fell prey to the thermal consequences of their attacks, mustering a fireball would cover the extremity (At least) in third-degree burns.
A final important note concerning plasma as I feel being upfront is the best way to foster goodwill. Due to how plasma works and its ionization, water, and fire will bend around the plasma. If direct (Such as firing amidst a flamethrower), these elements will part, creating a v like separation (For example). This is due to the positive and negatively charged ions tugging at them.​
Voltaic crescent- A horizontal or vertical slash of plasma energy in gas form imitating the blade's movements will be discharged. The light purple haze will oscillate as it travels, electrical sparks firing within the approaching storm if it connects to a target; this skill will cause third-degree burns and will slip into gaps of armor. And if the armor is conductive, the electrical byproduct will simulate that of a taser. The attack is 10 ft long/high depending on the angle of the swing, it is ten feet in thickness, traveling up to 90 ft in length from the tip of her sword before dissipating. It can be stopped at any point and will linger in place. IT can be used once every three turns, three times in a fight.
Plasmatic wave- The exterminator will coat their ensorcelled blade or hand in vibrant "strands" of plasma. This vivid current will form into a wave that, upon swinging their weapon, will unleash in a dazzling torrent. This discharge takes on the shape of a rivulet and swerves almost like silk. This skill can also be discharged from her free hand to emit a comparable effect escaping from her fingers. This superheated energy will scorch exposed flesh on contact while providing an electrical discharge effect that will lock the adversary's muscles. Its maximum reach is 70t in length with a total width of 30ft. It can be used once every three turns, three times in a fight.
Flashbang- The samurai will clench her fist, assembling a compact ball of plasma. The light within will be focused on a singular point within the epicenter. As she releases her grasp and extends her hand outward, the attack will explode, producing a dazzling light. The concussive force will knock a foe back, disorienting them as their ears ring, air knocked out of their lungs, and prompting hemorrhaging due to the force of the impact. The light itself won't blind unless they gaze undeviatingly into the core of the blast. The ignition will blow away environmental hazards such as fire and gases. Any explosive force will bend around, shielding the user from the shockwave. Traverses in a cone-shape pattern from the hand, progressing 60ft, with a max breadth of 30ft at its broadest point. It can be used four times in a fight and once every two turns.
Proton field- Tahira will draw on her mastership over the arcane to charge her ensorcelled blade with her energy. The implement of her craft will become layered in a thin film of multi-hued plasma. The weapon will burn on touch, removing bleeding due to the cauterization of the wound. As a bonus, she can use the added layer to deflect magic beams up to three inches thick and negate magical projectiles upward of 6 inches on contact. It will persist for three turns upon activation, requiring a two-turn cooldown in between uses. Able to be employed thrice per fight. This enchantment can ONLY be applied to her signature weapon.
(Equipment)Claws of the dragon- Due to her enchantment on her blade in conjunction with binding, She can run her Chi through it and retract or extend its reach from a healthy 5-15ft. Employing her immense strength and dexterity to slash the elongated weapon with incredible speed and fluidity. The handle itself has an empty slot when drawing; within this vacant space, her Chi gathers, activating the runes engraved within the wrappings. From this unoccupied hole, her summoned blade emerges. This skill can ONLY be applied to her signature weapon. The sword itself is comparable to steel in tensile strength and once shattered, takes three turns to reform. Disarming her will disperse the armament, imparting the same full three turn cd restriction. (Unlimited use as long as the blade is in her hand.)
Does this specimen have a soul? A query Tahira first relayed to those delegated with her birthing and rearing. While most children relished the warmth of a mother's embrace. She was left to experience walls of frigid metal. Tahira was conceived not via a womb but a heartless jar. Her unnatural creation was the byproduct of wicked sorcery and man's unbridled desire for knowledge. Those who lorded over her were too preoccupied asking if, they never paused to question if they should pursue this iniquitous path.
From her early years, the imitation of life was whetted for warfare. While most played games and enjoyed their youthful years, she was forced to train and read. The lectures were never easy. And those sisters born from the same blasphemous experiment unable to meet the researchers' mark for excellence were "recycled." One by one, the caricature watched as their numbers dwindled.
Eventually, Tahira would be pitted against the others in a gauntlet of sorts. It was then she realized that only one could graduate and all others were doomed for removal. While facing such a tumultuous juncture, Tahira concluded a lamentable truth concerning reality. That in order to endure, one must be willing to pay a toll. One by one, she butchered her kin. During that moment of time survival transcended all else. The malfeasance still haunts her dreams to this day.
Ultimately the parody of life succeeded where the others faltered. And for her reward, she had false memories installed and was handed to the lead researcher to raise as they proceeded to catalog her metamorphosis beyond those establishment's walls.
The child without a family, known only by a series of numbers, was given a name, Tahira Quil'Kovesh. She spent those years in ignorance, serving Faaria (her mother), ignorant of her legacy. Tahira excelled through the sweat of her brow and eventually became a monster hunter. The mockery placed herself under Matsumota's charge, a famed warrior. The kitsune and she bonded over those years, and after graduating, war broke out over the desert.
Tahira found herself being conscripted into the inquisitorial branch.
Here she'd serve her nation for a decade during times of conflict and tranquility. During this era, Tahira matured into a competent swordsman and alchemist pertaining to beasts. However, notwithstanding such accolades, she always felt as if something was amiss. And no matter if she drowned her mind in research or her craft, Tahira couldn't help but shake the notion that she didn't belong.
One day, despite sacrificing everything on the altar of patriotism. The vampire was assigned to a mission to help rescue some researchers trapped within an isolated facility. It was then that she uncovered the truth. She wasn't a person; she was merely a travesty of life. There, within the lab, Tahira witnessed the floating fetuses of other beings like her. Their mangled and deformed bodies are the result of their failure to "bind" with the energy coming from the planet's core. Unbeknownst to the others, Tahira could hear the beating of the globe. And with that epiphany came the deluge of memories regarding her origins.
The other experiments begged her to end their suffering, so she killed them and the researchers. One hundred look-alikes were sacrificed that day. And it culminated with the inquisitor finding documents that detailed the entire process. She read them and discovered the crown she swore fealty to was aware of and funded this sacrilegious venture. Tahira gathered the ashes of her "sisters" and left that cemetery.
After trekking across the dunes, she eventually sought refuge within Emerald city. She immediately paid a close friend to turn their remains into diamonds. The very same one visible on the adornment affixed to her forehead today. That way, no matter what, every time Tahira looked into the mirror, she'd recall the unsettling reality of her existence. That she is the phantom that got away, the aberration undeserving of anything. There, inspecting her blemished reflection, she asked herself the same question as before. Does this specimen have a soul?