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Verdant dynasty
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Vedant Dynasty

Basic information.
OC belongs to: SpooderQueen(Discord)
Full Name : Surayyah of no one. Titles : The Bohemian Rose, The radical dreamer Race : Djinn Sex : Female Family: Unknown Date of Birth : unknown to man Age : 55 Place of Residence: A caravan cart Place of Birth: The Road Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Relationship: Single Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Personality: Witty, Warm-spirited, Jovial Traits: Seductress, Well-read, artisan Faults: Depressed, temporarily eludes its sting by inflicting joy onto others of which she vicariously experiences. Vocation/skills: Vocalist, Fortune teller, exotic/belly dancing, Acrobatics, Juggling, and breaker of hearts. ​Weight : 110 lbs Height : 5' Notable Features : None Hair Color : Black Hair Length : Past shoulder Skin Tone : Caramel Eye Color : Honey General Appearance : Gold bands, embellished with emeralds and rubies. Flamboyant dress with multicolored beads. Tarot Cards Her mother's main weapon was handed to her by an unknown man upon her expiration. A deck of enchanted tarot cards that serve as an extension to will. They serve as a medium to manifest her spells and abilities. As such, they can't be stolen or broken, and if she dies in combat, they will merely evaporate into nothingness. They are also unable to ever truly leave her person and can only stick around to a certain proximity. These cards are tied to the will of fates and can be used out of combat to read one's past or fortunes if the cards (the Player) wills it. Though what it reveals is vague and ambiguous.
World View
Surayyah sees the world as one grand theatre. A stadium where the symmetries of melancholy and elation ebb and flow to formulate a grand orchestra. She regards each soul as a single note that independently comes off as noise. However, once strung together and plucked like a chord, a message resonates that echoes through the corridors time. Most consider the current of our lives as linear; the troubadour disagrees. She believes that ever-so-transient winks of memory can leave an everlasting mark that persists through the epochs. Emotions, while ethereal, hold absolute sway over the material world. These experiences propagate ripples that cascade and alter the entire composition of the universe. While most are apt to separate the mind and body, Surayyah conjectures the two are intrinsically linked and that our memories subsist long after death. Through the divination afforded by her tarot deck and with the aid of psychedelics, her consciousness can slip beyond the veil. While anecdotal, the performer has seen glimpses of worlds and entities similar to us but slightly different. A reality in which the string is not plucked, resulting in a different piece of music. The djinn theorizes that the state of existence is inexplicably tethered to the resonations we leave in our wake. If we produce somber melodies, the discord it generates pushes our reality deeper into entropy. And through the arrangement of more uplifting tunes, the spiral heads down a more harmonious trajectory. Surayyah holds this belief close to her heart, which inspired the creation of her caravan and their crusade—an ongoing campaign against sorrow by spreading flickering merriment across the provinces. When nudged, she will often chortle and reply, "I'm just a radical dreamer." Fully aware that her efforts are trivial in the grand scheme of things. Nevertheless, she believes that even the slightest alteration to the orchestra of life can result in quite the swelling crescendo. Sir Schwoopy. (Her Rabbit.) Sir schwoopy the valiant is an adorable yet fierce hare. His white cotton fur and boopable nose mask the threat he poses. If pressed, Surayyah will fib concerning her faithful companion's origins. She'd often fabricate fiction about his adventures for the children of her caravan and any individual keen on being regaled. Sir Schwoopy is frequently incorporated within her acts and is quite the attraction. For a coney, the adorable fluff ball appears highly intelligent. However, beneath the loafing rabbit lies a tragic truth. Surayyah never knew her parents; she spent her life on the road after being adopted by the merry crew she now guides. Due to the trauma foisted on her and the fact she didn't have a childhood. The lonely girl used her penchant for binding magic to construct an artificial friend. The rabbit physically represents her innocence and imagination as a child. He's a manifestation of her ineptitude to let go and move on. Surayyah often can be seen grooming, petting, and cuddling with the hare. This is her way of experiencing that facet deprived of her. Nonetheless, despite this being the truth, the jinn is oblivious. Surayyah has spent so much time in self-deception that it's doubtful the gypsy will ever let him go. Whether this is healthy or not, she couldn't care less as she finds nothing as heartwarming as snuggling with her protective bundle of cuteness. But be cautioned if you aspire to harm the troubadour, you risk facing the righteous indignation of this intrepid cottontail.
Speed ( Quick Thinking / Dexterity ) As a spiritual being inside a vessel, the Djinn can draw on her innate supernatural energy to amplify the speed at which her hands can react, which surpasses that of any mere mortal by many folds. The spirit uses this to mostly sling imbued projectiles with uncanny, fluid movements to ward off attackers. (2x dexterity) Max speed 25 mph. ​ Strength training (Racial) The artist's strength to 2x stronger than her human equivalents, allowing her to lift 250 lbs while maintaining mobility. Her muscles and bones evolved to handle the strength of her blows while being a Djinn; she has no internal organs, minus a heart. She doesn't need to eat or drink and can either sleep or drain magical sources to keep the body replenished. Flexibility (Vocational) Her body, through extensive training, can bend, twist, and morph in ways that only the most skilled contortionist or gymnast could ever achieve while in a natural state. Able to do splits, cartwheels, flips, balance herself on ropes, and bend her spine 10 degrees further than a human. Even when in heels. ​ Third Eye ​(Racial) Being born from another plane, the sojourner has the ability to sense the flow of energy/chi/magic. This allows her to "see" even if her eyes are obstructed or blinded. While not perfect like any other sense, it has served her well during the sandstorms of her homeland. She can only deduce a rough area, not the size, speed, trajectory, intent, or scale/power of the magical device/trinket/attack. 80ft ​ Large Mana Pool (Racial) Theatrics (Vocational) The Djinn uses her binding magic to construct visual flair for the pursuance of the arts. She creates flowers/spinning petals, vibrant birds, pulsating and shifting hued silk, harmless flames, balls/beams of light, and smoke/haze to entice the attention of the audience. This skill set serves 0 combat applications and is employed for narrative and to enhance her vocation.
Magic Preamble The Deck of Fates and other tools are a binding manifestation; in short, the magically created cards are hurled with maximum mass/volume and energy release efficiency. On impact, her abilities erupt, sending forth a concussive blast about 1/5th that of a frag grenade. Below is the data for what the effects would be if this were to happen in our real world. Yes, physics is vastly more terrifying than magic at times. Being in control of the effect, the concussive force will bend around her body to prevent her from killing herself instantly. Aside from that, she can conjure throwing knives, which she uses if the need should arise. She can also conjure forth a unicycle, smoke, and a veil—tools of her trade. ​ 68947.6 pa = 144,000 joules / m^3 m^3 * 68947.6 pa = 144,000 j m^3 = 144,000 j / 68947.6 pa m^3 = 2.08854260337 m = 1.28057916499 meters 34473.8 pa = 144,000 joules / m^3 m = 1.61342864602 meters 20684.28 pa = 144,000 joules / m^3 m = 1.91293118277 meters Or 4,443 newtons per sq meter. As 1 jule=1 newton meter. Destinys draw. The card or throwing knife she summons while within her grasp can become imbued with the Djinn’s magic. When empowered, the item becomes a deadly projectile that explodes on impact. She can snap her finger to detonate them prematurely, causing an explosion that anything within 3-10 ft. The attack itself will continue until it hits something and then detonate The force it generates may shatter bones. Max range is 200ft, traveling at a speed of 96mph. (Google record for furthest card thrown by Rick Smith.) Unicycle Wiggling her nose, she Spawns forth a unicycle under her feet that drags her in a single direction by 40ft and, being a magical construct, can transcend any terrain without impeding its speed. (40mph due to it peddling on its own as a magical construct.) Juggling Juggling four glowing spheres, the spirit can launch one at a time and any direction she looks. They travel up to 80ft and explode, sending out a cloud of sand that removes the smell, blinds those inside, and makes breathing laborious. Covers a 40ft area and moves at 60mph. The Veil The Djinn can conjure forth a dense white and gold spotted veil. It floats around her body and can be used to yank her to high surfaces, pull items, and interact with the environment. Or serve as a tightrope for walking across chasms. 40ft Reach. The Magicians trick Reaching between her bosom, the caramel temptress yanks out a fluffy rabbit (Sir Schwoopy the valiant). This wholesome critter lets out the most adorable squeaks and will valiantly charge and headbutt an opponent. When doing so, the point of impact is a battering ram capable of snapping a femur. This animal can be killed like any hare and prances about at a speed akin to their earthly brethren. Can only summon one per turn, with a max of three. Cut the Deck Surayyah cuts the deck. This action sends crescent-shaped pinkish energy capable of slicing through flesh. The cut has a width of fifteen feet and will continue until it hits something. Countered by metal armor or equivalent. Cloak of Fate The singer summons two decks of tarot cards that spin around her form. She can use three of the twenty cards to block a spell, four of twenty to reflect it, or consume all of the cards to repel a physical attack while simultaneously creating an explosive forward force to launch the target back. One card is regenerated every turn. (Once per fight.) 26 card pickup Surayyah can toss a card into the air, snapping her finger as it will rain 26 cards from the heavens. Each creates a tiny explosion, covering a 20ft thick line reaching up to 60 ft. It produces a pink flame trail on the impacted area that will linger for three turns. (Once per fight.)
The Early Years. Life on the road, while liberating, conferred with it certain drawbacks seldom entertained by those with romanticized eyes. Their idyllic imageries, oblivious to the harshness of that arid badland. Far too blessed by the security yielded by their walls that the jeopardies prowling outside didn't enter their astigmatic minds. This parched, grainy expanse was ripe with terrors. Individually, her commune wouldn't stand against the marauders and monstrosities stalking the roads. Nevertheless, as a collective, their numbers availed at repelling such despicable cretins. This cantankerous world, while teeming with terrors, like a coin, possessed a differing side. It was here, witnessing the virtue within the world, that the Djinn relished genuine succor. Those mounds may have been tarnished by blood, and the faces of this realm's denizens smudged by streaks of gloom. But, one needed only to gawk at the setting suns to recognize how fleeting our sorrows might be. Twilight, while producing fear, could only persist until daybreak. This ebbing and flowing of wretchedness and gaiety, while discernable, fell outside the purview of most. Their fatigued hearts, reluctant to appreciate the blessings their planet afforded. Far too cynical, only fixating their concentration on the less pleasant certainties of the desert. It was there, traversing those winding roads on her cart, that she first reached this unsettling epiphany. That to pulverize this perpetual disdain, people needed to transform their hearts. Accept that these others races, while different, each had something of merit to bring to the whole. Conceivably this gypsy was far too insignificant to reform the world. If so, she could start with the woman in the mirror. Many within her community dubbed this soul a "Radical Dreamer." While most gallivanted about slaying foul beasts, engaging in the acquisition of wealth, or seeking political power. This bohemian rose bloomed within different pastures, her aim to make the vivid array of people she floundered across smile. And, by doing so, vicariously revel within the kindness they might then spread to others. Hope, like despair, was communicable. From a young age, she witnessed firsthand how a single laugh can invite others to fill with mirth—using that soothing voice and its mesmerizing call to alleviate the vexations weighing one's soul down. Music, to her, was a second school of magic. Begetting a profound effect, the likes of which no archmage could ever dream of wielding over others. It was there, on the stage, that she procured true repletion. She was reaching a rather audacious conclusion that she'd offer all of her worldly attainments if it meant mending one bleeding soul. The coin she gathered was often given as alms to those less fortunate. She was only keeping enough to maintain her cart, stage props, and the occasional book. Despite longing for a serene existence, this voyager of the arts couldn't refute the need for defense. Violence, while uncivilized and execrable, would remain a constant hurdle. While far from the most efficient display of magic, her binding did seem adequate at defending those she loved. The loss of life wilted her petals, as she would always mourn those who passed. Those roots budded within the blood-saturated soil, while those formerly pious rose had become tarnished by its hue. While they may have been antagonistic, this Djinn often contemplated what series of misfortunes drove such a soul down this self-destructive path. Within those hazel eyes, all life maintained its intrinsic worth. And, given differing circumstances, the roles could easily be reversed. For now, she enjoys the road, dancing under the moonlight, singing her canary song in some futile effort to rejuvenate this rancorous world, one shattered person at a time. Biography pt 2, The Deck. Surayyah, born from no house, was plucked from her crib and sent to live amongst her mother's former band of roving carnies from a young age. The Djinn, oblivious of her heritage, the child was fostered by the actress, freaks, and minstrels. This abandonment, done out of love, for the former lady of coin fretted what would occur if her father ascertained her birthing. Toiling away, using the art of binding to design lights, roses, and other such visual flairs, to assist with the production. The road was her home, scraping by a living during the harshest times, blissfully ignorant of her illustrious lineage. Even before her teenage years, this damsel exhibited a propensity toward the arcane arts. She was claiming to hear whispers and to be visited by clouds of flickering insects. The lively group chalked it up to an overactive mind, as this insidious force nurtured and proliferated her innate abilities. One day, after quite the spectacle held within the City, a man in a black robe adorned with a golden mask approached her in an alleyway. In his hands rested a box, the stranger alleging she was no bastard, that her biological mother had passed and left her some trinkets as an inheritance. Despite the steadfast protest, the feeble elder refused to budge, imploring the performer to claim ownership and peer within the container. She haughtily assumed him to be no threat, and so she succumbed to officiousness. Inside was a deck of cards, some jewelry, and a letter. While peculiar, the maiden had no reason to derive malice, and so, she reached in and seized the tarot cards. The deck of fate, binding to the spirit, poured into the mind a myriad of memories, prompting the unsullied flower to collapse to her knees in anguish. She awoke the next day, being told weeks had passed, as the company of entertainers found her discarded on a random street. The caring mortals, expressing concern, dreading the worst had transpired. Their woes were compounded by the fact that the starlet couldn't recall what exactly had happened to her. The color flushed from their faces as she pulled out the deck, the jewelry bound to her body, as the illustrated cards orbited around broad hips. Their ruse was up, expelling forth the truth, yet, to their shock, the olive-toned lady was not furious. These people were her family, and the spirit saw little motivation to seek retribution for a woman who had never been involved in her life. For the next ten years, the maiden blossomed, sharpening her skill with the artifact bequeathed to her by that older man whilst honing her theatrical crafts. Throughout her years, she'd witness him in the distance, blending with the crowd, before vanishing the instant she so as much blinked. Surayyah felt as if she was being observed, pursued by something with nefarious intents, a treacherous will beyond fathomability. Like a moth trapped in the fingers of an irate god, suspending above a kindling fire. That at any minute, she'd be let go and be overwhelmed by the ravenous unknown. Notwithstanding this extensile dread, the enticer impersonated an outward fabrication of tranquility, terrified that her distress may torment the artists she called family. If her womanly intuition proves correct, there was little anyone could do to alleviate the impending devastation. No, Surayyah would live her life to the fullest, and if death should come, she would give up the ghost with a placid soul. Those cards served as armaments; the more she used them, the more dependent and inseparable they became. Those whispers returned as the swarm of fireflies of golden lights imparted wisdom. The erudition was steering toward the formation of spells. The pitiable young lady unknowingly being led down a disastrous path. For a while, she may not care for her true heritage; however, additional forces do and will endeavor to manipulate any means to reel her in. A juvenile mind weaving serenity, complacency, and mirth, all of these were malicious inventions, delusions to abate the imminent epiphany. That she, despite her sincerest of investments, was not an elf. That dream world the Djinn fabricated was destined to soon pop, ushering in an era of unbridled turmoil and despondency.